
Está cansado daquele visual cool do windows, ou mesmo não sabe como utilizar os vários papéis de parede que disponibilizo e etc. e, melhor, sem pesar no sistema (RAM, placa gráfica, processador).
Vou dar uma dica de como você alterar o visual do seu Windows 7 tão facilmente sem utilizar qulquer programa executável (somente os três doc`s que organizam seu trabalho, como um dos meus que você vê na imagem acima).
1 - Alterar o Theme (tema), muito fácil no XP, mas que precisa de uma ajudinha de uma aplicativo (como falei, sem instalar no seu HD). Onde buscar os temas? Meu amigo (a): digite theme win 7 no seu google e aparece centenas, utilizo apenas 2 disponível no baixaki.com. Mudar o tema, utilize o UniversalThemePatcher-x86 ou UniversalThemePatcher-x64, dependendo do seu sistema, baixe facilmente no google e execute clicando em patch nas três barras e reinicie o sistema. Pronto, já pode aplicar qualquer tema;
2- Eu tenho o costume de baixar os temas (geralmente em arquivo zipado e com as pastas onde você pode extrair direto no local apropriado no sistema) e pôr os arquivos direto na fonte do sistema para quando eu quiser mudar já sei onde achar: C>Windows>Resouces>Themes. Na pasta do seu tema escolhido, basta apenas clicar no arquivo .dll cujo ícone é uma sequencia de janelinhas. O sistema manda aguardar enquanto altera e pronto.
2- Alterar o logon, tirar aquela visual de entrada sem graça do windows. Simples: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer. Sem instalar no seu HD, execute o único .exe (aplicativo), aguarde um pouco e ele já te mostra belas imagens do próprio programa. Se quiser mudar, vá em browser e escolha. Clique em aplicar e pronto. Esse método achei bem mais simples que no XP.
3- Como não curto muito o Leopard X e qualquer programa e etc. da apple (curto somente o Ipod, mas o resto, prefiro os tablets da sansung e o velho PC com centenas de programas que facilitam e muito, Iphone? O meu Galaxy da Sansung menor, com aplicativos do Android free e muito mais eficiente). Além do mais, para mim, é somente um status besta. Prefiro um Mandriva ou Ubuntu... mas gosto é gosto e não se discute.
O pessoal fala dos atalhos que aparecem abaixo do desktop da aple. Prefiro mil vezes o Nexus doc, Rocketdoc e Objectdock. Existe outros, logicamente. Todos free e você ponhe seus atalhos.
Muita gente fala que no seu sistema travou, deu errado e etc. Para mim apenas é falta de configuração, você saber musear o mínimo. É aquela tolada de programinhas bestas que iniciam junto com seu sistema e você pensa que a culpa é do "novo visual". Meu amigo, o velho e bom msconfig (digite isso em pesquisar programas no Win 7) e vá desabilitando os programinhas idiotas que carregam junto no início do sistema (na aba: inicialização de programas detone tudo e deixe o essencial, como seu firewall, anti-virus e os docs, e na aba serviços, clique em Ocutar serviços.... que fica logo abaixo, um quadradinho.... vai te mostrar todos os programas que iniciam tb junto com o sistema, mas muitas das vezes não é essencial).
Usar o CCleaner, ou TODOS os programas do MV (Marcos Velasco), limpar registros inválidos, desfragmentar e etc. É o básico, como calibrar os pneus do seu carro. Por vezes as pessoas adquirem algo, mas nem sabe como manusear, saber cuidar e etc. Daí chama um técnico que vai te cobrar caro por uma besteira que vc mesmo resolveria ou teria evitado, mesmo princípio de qualquer produto.
Bom, por enquanto é só. Todos os temas e os aplicativos que indiquei estão no site baixaki.com.br. O própria site, muito bom por sinal, explica-te como instalar e outros. Qualquer dúvida no twitter ou no facebook e Good Vibe!
Are you tired of windows that look cool, or even do not know how to use the various wallpapers that make available and so on. and, better, without weighing the system (RAM, graphics card, processor).
I'll give a hint on how you change the look of your Windows 7 so easily without using any program executable (only three doc's that organize their work, as one of mine you see in the picture above).
1 - Change the Theme (theme), very easy in XP, but you need a little help from an application (as I said, without installing on your hard drive). Where to find themes? My friend (a): type in your theme win seven hundred and appears google, I use only 2 available in baixaki.com. Changing the subject, use the UniversalThemePatcher UniversalThemePatcher-x86-or x64, depending on your system, download and run easily on Google by clicking on the patch three bars and restart the system. Okay, you can apply any theme;
2 - I have to download custom themes (usually zipped file and the folders where you can draw directly to the appropriate location in the system) and put the files at the source of the system to change now when I want to know where to find: C > Windows> Resouces> Themes. In the folder of your theme, simply click the. Dll file whose icon is a sequence of small windows. The system sends changes while waiting and ready.
2 - Change the log on, get that visual input dull windows. Simple: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer. Without installing on your hard drive, run the single. Exe (application), wait a bit and he shows you beautiful images from the program. If you want change, go to your browser and choose. Click apply and go. I found this method much simpler than in XP.
3 - How far do not enjoy the program and any X Leopard and so on. apple (short only the iPod, but the rest, I prefer the Samsung tablet PC with old and hundreds of programs that facilitate and much, iPhone? My Galaxy Samsung's smaller, with free Android apps and more efficient). Moreover, for me, it's just a beast status. I prefer a Mandriva or Ubuntu ... but taste is taste and is not discussed.
People say the shortcuts that appear below the desktop aple. I prefer a thousand times the Nexus doc, Rocketdoc and ObjectDock. There are other, of course. All free and you put your shortcuts.
Many people talk to your system crashed, and so went wrong. For me is just lack of configuration, you know musear the least. Is that tolada beasts of softwares that start with your system and you think it is the fault of the "new look". My friend, the good old msconfig (type this in researching programs in Win 7) and go disabling the stupid little programs that load at the beginning of the system (on the tab: startup programs detonate everything and let the essentials such as your firewall, anti and virus-docs, and services tab, click Ocutar services .... which is just below .... a square will show you all programs that start with the TB system, but often is not essential).
Use CCleaner, or ALL programs MV (Mark Velasco), clean invalid records, etc. and defrag. It's the basics, how to calibrate your car's tires. Sometimes people buy something, but do not know how to handle, and so caring to know. Then call a technician who will charge you dearly for the same crap you would have prevented or solved, the same principle of any product.
Well, that's it. All themes and applications that are indicated on the site baixaki.com.br. The site very, very good by the way, explains you how to install and others. Any doubt on twitter or facebook and Good Vibe!
I'll give a hint on how you change the look of your Windows 7 so easily without using any program executable (only three doc's that organize their work, as one of mine you see in the picture above).
1 - Change the Theme (theme), very easy in XP, but you need a little help from an application (as I said, without installing on your hard drive). Where to find themes? My friend (a): type in your theme win seven hundred and appears google, I use only 2 available in baixaki.com. Changing the subject, use the UniversalThemePatcher UniversalThemePatcher-x86-or x64, depending on your system, download and run easily on Google by clicking on the patch three bars and restart the system. Okay, you can apply any theme;
2 - I have to download custom themes (usually zipped file and the folders where you can draw directly to the appropriate location in the system) and put the files at the source of the system to change now when I want to know where to find: C > Windows> Resouces> Themes. In the folder of your theme, simply click the. Dll file whose icon is a sequence of small windows. The system sends changes while waiting and ready.
2 - Change the log on, get that visual input dull windows. Simple: Windows 7 Logon Background Changer. Without installing on your hard drive, run the single. Exe (application), wait a bit and he shows you beautiful images from the program. If you want change, go to your browser and choose. Click apply and go. I found this method much simpler than in XP.
3 - How far do not enjoy the program and any X Leopard and so on. apple (short only the iPod, but the rest, I prefer the Samsung tablet PC with old and hundreds of programs that facilitate and much, iPhone? My Galaxy Samsung's smaller, with free Android apps and more efficient). Moreover, for me, it's just a beast status. I prefer a Mandriva or Ubuntu ... but taste is taste and is not discussed.
People say the shortcuts that appear below the desktop aple. I prefer a thousand times the Nexus doc, Rocketdoc and ObjectDock. There are other, of course. All free and you put your shortcuts.
Many people talk to your system crashed, and so went wrong. For me is just lack of configuration, you know musear the least. Is that tolada beasts of softwares that start with your system and you think it is the fault of the "new look". My friend, the good old msconfig (type this in researching programs in Win 7) and go disabling the stupid little programs that load at the beginning of the system (on the tab: startup programs detonate everything and let the essentials such as your firewall, anti and virus-docs, and services tab, click Ocutar services .... which is just below .... a square will show you all programs that start with the TB system, but often is not essential).
Use CCleaner, or ALL programs MV (Mark Velasco), clean invalid records, etc. and defrag. It's the basics, how to calibrate your car's tires. Sometimes people buy something, but do not know how to handle, and so caring to know. Then call a technician who will charge you dearly for the same crap you would have prevented or solved, the same principle of any product.
Well, that's it. All themes and applications that are indicated on the site baixaki.com.br. The site very, very good by the way, explains you how to install and others. Any doubt on twitter or facebook and Good Vibe!